Document Uploader FAQs

  • Can I remove a tax return after I upload it into RISR?
    We adhere to a stringent zero-day retention policy for all documents, ensuring that we do not retain tax returns and PDFs. Immediately after processing, these documents are permanently removed from our system, ensuring no long-term storage.

  • What type of documents and returns can I use in the Tax Return uploader?
    PDF files only. Please read more in our Data Entry Best Practices.

    Our uploader can intake forms 1120, 1120-S, 1065, and 1040 Schedule C.

  • What parts of the tax return should be uploaded in the Document Uploader?
    You can upload the entire document even if it includes a cover page and additional items. Note this may impact the turnaround time for data to be ingested by our platform. To expedite the loading time, you should upload ONLY the form itself and no additional pages.
         Please see our Data Entry Best Practices document for more info.

  • Is the Document Uploader always accurate?
    No, and we cannot guarantee it will be all the time.

    We are using a well-known SaaS provider’s OCR (optical character recognition) service to enable this feature in our platform. We rigorously tested the solution to optimize for reliable results and that all the right numbers show up in the right areas. We set a high confidence score for the OCR tech – meaning sometimes OCR is unable to positively identify a number, and thus will not use it.

    We recommend reviewing the data after submitting a tax return via our document uploader.

    For more information please read our Data Entry Best Practices document.

  • I get an error that says my file cannot be uploaded. What do I do?
    We’ve found there are mainly two culprits for files not uploading.

    1. The file size is too large (larger than 3mb). If that’s the case, we recommend removing some pages from the return.

    2. The file name. If the PDF at the end of the file name is capitalized, such as .PDF, make it lower case. Sounds ridiculous, but it is something we’ve noticed that makes a difference.

    For more information please read our Data Entry Best Practices document.

  • Video Guide: How to calculate P&L fields from Tax Returns in RISR

    How to calculate P&L fields from Tax Returns in RISR - Watch Video